Who Am I?

Raised in a small Midwest town, with not much going for me, I struggled with my life’s direction as a youth—the one thing I had to claim as mine was my curiosity.

I started working young and jumped into the local blue-collar workforce right out of school. Fortunately, I never lost my constant itch to learn. I burned through books and podcasts, searching for any sense of meaning in my day-to-day life.

I spent months of my free time journaling, reading, meditating, and ruthlessly exercising, all while holding down a job. Eventually, I concluded that if I had to work, it should be towards improving the lives of others.

But I had no extraordinary skills or deep pools of knowledge. Landscaping for free to save people money? No. I was surrounded by a corn-belt community of beer-drinking, McDonald’s-eating, tobacco-chewing, unhealthy people I loved dearly.

So, I pieced together my five years of lifting experience, began researching, and started working as a certified personal trainer at my local YMCA.

I never imagined that this journey would take me this far. It has become my life’s goal to help others rise beyond their circumstances and discover how true, real health can free them from their struggles.

Today, I am dedicated to empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being. Whether it’s through personalized fitness programs, wellness coaching, or simply being a source of motivation, I strive to make health and fitness accessible and achievable for everyone.

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I believe that the stories we tell ourselves shape the reality we experience and that each person has the power to rewrite their own story.

Health is not a supplement or a 5-minute ab workout video on YouTube. It is a transformative process that alters who you are as a human being.

To truly change, the mind, body, and spirit all need to work together in concert to bring about the person you wish to be.

My coaching style utilizes these aspects, founded in an open-ended philosophy that allows each client to decide who they want to be, how they want to achieve that, and why they want to change.

I provide programs to gift anyone the tools to change physically. I write blogs for anyone who wishes to explore change mentally. And I say nice things and give hugs to those who want to change spiritually. (Not a cult leader... yet.)

I absolutely love helping those seeking to make positive, long-term changes to their health. Now with nine years of exercise experience, being NASM-certified as a personal trainer and nutrition coach, a college degree under my belt, three years of in-person training, and several online coaching success stories — I feel more ready than ever to push towards my life’s agenda of helping others.