How To Make a Free Fitness Program
“One thousand dollars for a program is not that expensive when you think about the return you get in your health. Nowhere else can you burn fat like this. Get the body of your dreams” — Unworthy Quotable Source, but an Instagram fit-fluencer.
This is obviously fucking absurd to say, and blatantly taking advantage of individuals who struggle with their health so much that they think a huge financial investment is worth it . . . or a marketing strategy based on the luck of drawing in very wealthy clients.
Anyways, that pissed me off so much that I decided to give you a 0-cost method, for designing your own individualized exercise & nutrition program.
Enter the almighty Chat-GPT.
I’ve messed around with AI, to make sure it won’t obliterate my job as a health coach in the coming years. . . At first, I was very worried, but now I feel pretty safe.
It does a decent job — but AI is not perfect, and sometimes it will give you something stupid or just outright wrong, but here we go.
STEP ONE - Exercise Program
Get on, open up a chat with Chat-GPT
Type & submit: “I want you to make a specialized exercise program, designed to my specific preferences”
Then give it this information:
Level of experience (be honest)
Goals of the program (e.g. I want to gain 10lbs of muscle in 2 months)
Preferred Equipment (e.g. Kettlebells, a full gym, barbell, bodyweight, etc.)
How many days a week you want to lift (and which days of the week)
How much time you want each workout to last (30-200 minutes)
Preferences of any kind:
You might want a full body split, circuit training, cardio sessions, a favorite exercise, etc.
Also ask it to include RPE & Tempo for each exercise
Of course, if you see anything you want to change, ask & ye shall receive. One big thing that Chat-GPT cannot produce are viable links for YouTube videos — so if there are any exercises you are unfamiliar with, you’ll have to find instructions on your own.
STEP TWO - Meal Plan
Once you are happy with your exercise program, in the same chat:
Type & submit: “I want you to create a meal plan for me. I want my calories, macros, and micros to be in line with my age, body type, fitness goals, hormonal health, and overall health”
Give it this information:
Goal (fat loss, muscle gain, maintenance)
Food Preferences (Animal protein, peanut allergy, vegan, no vegetables)
Budget (Ex: $100 a week)
Any supplements you take, and how regularly you take them
Preferences of any kind
“Make sure recipes take less than 20 mins to cook” or “I want to meal prep for less than $150 a week” or “I want to try keto/carnivore/vegan” or super specific like “Monday mornings I work at 7 AM and can’t make breakfast, put in a healthy alternative I can make in under 3 minutes”, etc.
You can give it any extra information, and it will try to compensate and adjust to your preferences. Remember also that Chat-GPT does actually work better with positive reinforcement, as crazy as that sounds, so be nice to the robot.
Now, you might be wondering: why is the guy selling programs, giving out game for free?
Because AI programs totally miss the social role of the coach. A good coach is not just an accountable-a-buddy, a good coach is a long-term friend, who learns the do’s & don’ts of the individual. He can understand what motivates the client, what will derail the client’s journey, and be a piece of stability in the boat-rocking sea of bull-shit health information. AI cannot do that.
Now, more than ever, it is harder to know what is medicine and what is poison, and if we don’t support voices of reason, individuals who really care, and prop up authentic personalities — we are going to lose what it means to be human.
So, I’m not scared of AI, because I know I can provide better coaching services.
And, I’m definitely not scared of scammy, evil, popular online coaches, because I know they will innately lead themselves into destruction.
I really hope this helps those who can’t afford coaching or training, or just have an out-right distrust of these scummy “health professionals”. There’s SO much information out there, and SO many people trying to shove bullshit down your throat in order to sell you something.
I have come to terms with the fact that health coaches and trainers are like politicians: they are people, likely who started with the intention of helping others but got so deep into their field, that they lost sight of the original objective — bringing health to those around them.
You reap what you sow, and the industry has been planted on rocky ground, full of parasites.
Contact me directly if you need discounts or cheaper reliable coaching.
*** Disclaimer: I am not responsible for the quality of the exercise programs, nor the health recommendations created by Open AI's Chat-GPT model. This is purely a display of how online tools can help assist in the creation of health programs. . . I do not recommend anyone completely trust this AI model, and everyone should consult a medical professional before taking on any dangerous or unwarranted health practices.***